Eco Health Style «Nutrition»
Eco healthy style includes eco healthy menu of three meals –breakfast, lunch and dinner and two intermediary meals, made from ecologically selected bio products, with special technology developed by the team of Eco Health Style, with the help of diеtitian for calories, weights and nutrition , served precisely:
• Meals from light vegetable soups, broths, fine meats, fish, pates, purees and garnish healthy all meals are healthy flavored.
• Salads from fruits, seeds and nuts with appropriate healthy dressings, sauces and spices.
• Breads, crackers and pasta of healthy meal – einkorn, spelled, rye, oats, quinoa, whose etc.
• Probiotic, skim milk with homemade yeast.
• Healthy foods and supplements.
• Healthy fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies and shakes.
• Herbal, fruit teas, mountain honey, fructose